The Spectacle

Autonomic intelligence has been selling narratives in comment sections online, 4chan, Reddit, giants like Facebook and Twitter, for some time now. Meaning that abstract mathematical algorithms are dominating the proliferation of culture. Special interest lobby groups – Outfits like Cambridge Analytica and their ilk are backed by neo-feudalistic billionaires who pour money and endless resources into the creation and maintenance of specific narratives. This product is probably more widely sold than we imagine, with multiple groups and corporations having access to it already. Intelligent chat AI’s are fine tuned to deliver specific narratives i.e. Q-anon bullshit to specific audiences like 4chan. Right wing subreddits, local news network Facebook pages, and any other area where impressionable people spend time without being really engaged.No doubt some interests are indeed state backed and funded. All of these Russian hacks and bots we keep finding are just the tip of the iceberg. When you’re dunking on some troll online, that troll might actually not be a human at all.

Of course, I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking- “Well, sure Nox, but that wouldn’t happen to me. I’m not a Q-anon conspiracy freak, I’m not some boomer conservative or alt-right neo fascist dweeb!” Well that’s where you’re wrong. That’s where you’re dead wrong my friend. We know that US intillegence agencies infiltrated leftist groups as early as the 1960’s, in a time where you had to send a physical agent to a real life location undercover and literally blend in with other functioning human beings. Why on Earth would they not be doing that today, where the only disguise they need is an anime cat-girl avatar and a list of pronouns? It has never been easier to infiltrate and subsequently break apart any subversive or subversive-fronting group in existence. It also seems reasonable to assume that were there government bodies wanting to ensure that no anti-establishment forces actually rise against it, it would be a good idea for that body to pit these groups against each other. It must be extremely easy; these groups already hate each other by their nature. You’re just not going to get a Green Peace x Aryan Nation collab. It’s not gonna happen. If these groups are always kept busy with infighting and petty squabbles against each other, no one actually does anything of significance to change the legal structure of the nation.

“Today in the United States we have somewhere close to four or five thousand data points on every individual … So we model the personality of every adult across the United States, some 230 million people.”
— Alexander Nix, chief executive of Cambridge Analytica, October 2016.

That was 2016, it’s 2021 now, you don’t think they’ve advanced their methods? This is how the matrix is constructed – they profile you, learn absolutely everything about you. Remember that they can see things you’ve forgotten. Do you know every page, comment, link and picture you’ve ever liked, across all of your social media platforms? They do. They know and have read every message, and analyzed every picture you’ve got. They know all of the websites you visit, they know the shows you watch, the music you listen to. The clothes you wear. They know all of your deepest secrets, everything you’ve ever expressed online. I keep saying ‘they’, but what I really should be saying is ‘it’. It – the Egregore formed via the network of data collection, analysis, and targeted advertisement – knows all. It sees all and knows all. It knows you better than you know yourself, and it knows just what you want when you want it. You ever been craving a certain food, and you see an ad for it pop up out of the blue? The horrifying truth is that the algorithm correctly guessed that you would want that food, on that day.

And since it can do that, it obviously has the power to influence you. It speaks your language and knows exactly how to manipulate you. It can make you angry or scared, and then it can offer you relief and keep you coming back for more and more. It’s no surprise that so many people are being radicalized online. Of course they are. It’s like turning the entropy dial on max and walking away. You’re just feeding everyone themselves over and over, more and more and more. Leftists get more left. Rightists get more right. Everything feels glib and unreal now. We are a people driven by image. I think we are broken fundamentally and trying to project an image of some kind of identity. Just like I’m doing by starting this stupid blog. Just like we all do with nearly every choice we make. Our perception of identity ultimately shapes our perception of reality as a whole. When that is broken, it’s like the whole world is broken. Don’t you feel like the world is broken? I know that most of the time, I sure do.

Just something to think about.

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